I build machine learning models ,

Yes I am a programming geek!!

"The real risk with AI isn't malice but competence. A superintelligent AI will be extremely good at accomplishing its goals, and if those goals aren't aligned with ours, we're in trouble. You're probably not an evil ant-hater who steps on ants out of malice, but if you're in charge of a hydroelectric green energy project and there's an anthill in the region to be flooded, too bad for the ants. Let's not place humanity in the position of those ants.” – Stephen Hawking

About Me

I am Ritika, undergraduate in Computer Science and Engineering at Indian Institute of Information Technology Kalyani. My coursework as a computer science Btech candidate has exposed me to a set of extensive set of programming experiences. I have completed coursework in low level languages like C and MIPS assembly language, simultaneously learning about computer architecture. I used to take part in competitive coding competitions in codechef. I enjoy being challenged and engaging with projects that require me to work outside my comfort and knowledge set, as continuing to learn new languages and development skill is important to me.

In my leisure time I like to sketch portraits and watch tv series or movies. I like to always engage myself with something, rather than just sitting idly.

Deep Learning

Desktop GUI Development

Web Scrapping

My Skills

Programming Skills

It takes knowledge, smart work, and dedication to make great ideas come to life. I have been helping make great ideas happen for the past 4 years and am always ready for new challenges.

90% Complete
80% Complete
90% Complete
70% Complete

Other Skills

Educating the mind without educating the heart is no education at all.

90% Complete
80% Complete
75% Complete


Hack In The North 2019 Finalist

Smart India Hackathon 2019 Winner

Ihack 2019 - IIT Bombay Top 20 teams

CodeUtsava 2019 - NIT RaipurTop 20 teams

Computers are able to see, hear and learn. Welcome to the future.

-Dave Waters


Problem solving is not always about sitting in a board room talking about the way things should be done. I have a strong background in the mentioned skills which allows me to think on my feet and act upon it.

Let's Keep In Touch!

Thank you for visiting out my profile. If you would like to get into contact with me, please fill out the form below.


Hno.681, Ward no.41
Bilaspur, Chhattisgarh, India



